Oh What A Night — 2023 Edition
Another truly memorable night is now forever in the NGC history books! Before we recap, we have some wholehearted thank yous to send out for all those that made our Night Golf event a great success.
First and foremost, thank you to all the NGC staff who gave us such a magical night. To Tsehaye, Donnee, Mimi and all her F&B staff, Christine, Tiffany, Rahel, and everyone who works to make NGC what it is for all of us, we are so thankful. An awesome dinner followed by great times on the course is exactly what we all love about NGC.
A huge thank you goes to Leo Goff who’s idea, dedication, and hard work made Night Golf and the fellowship that ensued a reality for a second year in a row. We salute you sir!
Finally, a huge thank you Chuck Roster and Kyle Armstrong who, along with Leo, made the logistics of lighting up the night happen! Thank you Chuck and Kyle!
Night Golf Results
Glow balls lit up the dark while birdies and eagles flew in the 2023 playing of NGC Thursday Night Golf® last night. With real-life shot-tracer-mode activated, all shots earned oos, ahs, and lots of laughs. Several teams reached deep into red figures but, when all the glow-shots had been struck, one team stood atop the leaderboard with a net total of 24.55. Well played to the team of James Hsiao, Adam Miller & Silas Nichols — And cheers to all on a fantastic night!
1st – James Hsiao, Adam Miller & Silas Nichols (24.55 net) – 30 Chase Points
2nd – Kyle “Nightshade” Armstrong, Travis Henderson, Sam Bowmer & Oral Pottinger (25.4 net) – 25 Chase Points
3rd – All others – 20 Chase Points
2023 Points Chase