Memorial Day 🇺🇸
We hope that everyone is enjoying a great Memorial Day weekend. We’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude and honor the brave women and men who selflessly gave their lives so we can enjoy time with family and friends. We honor their memory and express our deepest appreciation for their unwavering commitment and sacrifice.
Match Play Round 1 — June 11th Deadline
We are now just 2 weeks from the deadline for Round 1 matches in the Match Play Main Bracket which is June 11th. Please be in touch with your Round 1 opponent ASAP about scheduling your match if you have not yet done so. Contact [email protected] or call the Pro Shop (301) 292-1100 if you need your opponent’s contact information.
Main Bracket:
Complete Information & Guidelines:
Have a great weekend and, as always, swing it smooth!