Info MGA Sign Up Tournaments

Last Call for Mike Miller Team Sign-Ups

12th Annual Mike Miller Golf Tournament at NGC

Team sign-ups close tomorrow at 8:00 PM for the Mike Miller golf tournament which is set for this New Year’s Day, January 1st, 2024. Please sign up with your team ASAP so we can finalize our champagne order.

To confirm your team’s registration, please check the online leaderload.

A famous line in golf, “A tradition unlike any other,” has been coined for the Masters, but the same can be said for the playing of New Year’s Day golf at National Golf Club. For years, players of all ages and abilities have taken to the course on January 1st to ring in the New Year with a fun 18 holes. There are stories of shoveling the driving range and impromptu get-togethers just to say golf was played on January 1st at NGC.

Mike Miller was an ambassador of the January 1st tradition and would host a party at his home following the event. Mike left us January 24th, 2013 but we continue the tradition in his memory. 

This year we celebrate the 12th annual playing of the Mike Miller Tournament. We hope you can join us — all NGC members and guests are welcome!

Please sign up with your team online here.

12th Annual Mike Miller Tournament: Monday, January 1st, 2024 — 10:00 AM shotgun start with annual champagne tee shot off 1st tee at 9:45 AM
Format: 4-Player Shamble — All players in foursome tee off, select the best tee shot to play 2nd shots from and, from the selected tee shot, all players play their own balls into the hole recording individual gross scores. Awards in Net + Gross divisions for both Individual and Team categories. Women play Red tees, men play White tees, and men who qualify for the Rule of 75 may play Gold tees (age + handicap >= 75) or Rule of 90 (age + handicap >= 90) from Reds.  
Cost: $20 entry fee for members (walking) — $45 for guests (with cart)
Online Registration Portal
Registration Deadline: Friday, December 29th @ 8:00 PM

Please sign up online as a complete team foursome if possible. If you do not have a team of 4, sign up online with as many as you have and we will set you up with a group!

Info MGA Sign Up Tournaments

Mike Miller Tournament — Team Sign-Ups close 12/29

12th Annual Mike Miller Golf Tournament at NGC

We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and that Santa came through with all the new gear for 2024! Team sign-ups continue for the Mike Miller golf tournament which is set for this New Year’s Day, January 1st, 2024. Sign-ups close this Friday, December 29th at 8:00 PM — please sign up with your team ASAP so we can finalize our champagne order.

To confirm your team’s registration, please check the online leaderload.

A famous line in golf, “A tradition unlike any other,” has been coined for the Masters, but the same can be said for the playing of New Year’s Day golf at National Golf Club. For years, players of all ages and abilities have taken to the course on January 1st to ring in the New Year with a fun 18 holes. There are stories of shoveling the driving range and impromptu get-togethers just to say golf was played on January 1st at NGC.

Mike Miller was an ambassador of the January 1st tradition and would host a party at his home following the event. Mike left us January 24th, 2013 but we continue the tradition in his memory. 

This year we celebrate the 12th annual playing of the Mike Miller Tournament. We hope you can join us — all NGC members and guests are welcome!

Please sign up with your team online here.

12th Annual Mike Miller Tournament: Monday, January 1st, 2024 — 10:00 AM shotgun start with annual champagne tee shot off 1st tee at 9:45 AM
Format: 4-Player Shamble — All players in foursome tee off, select the best tee shot to play 2nd shots from and, from the selected tee shot, all players play their own balls into the hole recording individual gross scores. Awards in Net + Gross divisions for both Individual and Team categories.
Cost: $20 entry fee for members (walking) — $45 for guests (with cart)
Online Registration Portal
Registration Deadline: Friday, December 29th @ 8:00 PM

Please sign up online as a complete team foursome if possible. If you do not have a team of 4, sign up online with as many as you have and we will set you up with a group!

Info MGA Sign Up Tournaments

Mike Miller Tournament — Team Sign-Ups

12th Annual Mike Miller Golf Tournament at NGC

Team sign-ups continue for the Mike Miller golf tournament which is set for this New Year’s Day, January 1st, 2024.

A famous line in golf, “A tradition unlike any other,” has been coined for the Masters, but the same can be said for the playing of New Year’s Day golf at National Golf Club. For years, players of all ages and abilities have taken to the course on January 1st to ring in the New Year with a fun 18 holes. There are stories of shoveling the driving range and impromptu get-togethers just to say golf was played on January 1st at NGC.

Mike Miller was an ambassador of the January 1st tradition and would host a party at his home following the event. Mike left us January 24th, 2013 but we continue the tradition in his memory. 

This year we celebrate the 12th annual playing of the Mike Miller Tournament. We hope you can join us — all NGC members and guests are welcome!

Please sign up with your team online here.

12th Annual Mike Miller Tournament: Monday, January 1st, 2024 — 10:00 AM shotgun start with annual champagne tee shot off 1st tee at 9:45 AM
Format: 4-Player Shamble — All players in foursome tee off, select the best tee shot to play 2nd shots from and, from the selected tee shot, all players play their own balls into the hole recording individual gross scores. Awards in Net + Gross divisions for both Individual and Team categories.
Cost: $20 entry fee for members (walking) — $45 for guests (with cart)
Online Registration Portal

Please sign up online as a complete team foursome if possible. If you do not have a team of 4, sign up online with as many as you have and we will set you up with a group!

To confirm your team’s registration, please check the online leaderload.

MGA Results Tournaments

2023 NGC Ugly Sweater Tournament Results

Ugly Sweaters, Golf & Joy on a Beautiful Day at NGC

With the 2023 edition of the Ugly Sweater Scramble in the books, a huge thank you goes out to our whole NGC family who came out in force for a spectacular day of sweaters, golf, and cheer. Thank you to Tiffany and Rahel for all their help and for making sure all the fantastic attire from every group was remembered! Thank you to Donnee for keeping us all in line and to his wife for the homemade treats! Thank you to Tsehaye for fully embracing the family spirit that makes NGC the place that we all truly love. Finally, thank you to all our members who made the day one to be remembered! As a group, thanks to the foundations built so many years ago by Blake and Alison Jones, we were able to raise $1,005 to donate directly to the Toys For Tots Foundation.

On the course, we had a very fun and exciting day of reading comprehension and golf action. Birdies, Eagles, Albatrosses, and a Condor(?!) flew while strategies of aiming out of bounds and into the trees were debated. We even had a Hole-In-One on #18 by Monica Gonzales when her kick found the bottom of the cup!

Overall we couldn’t have asked for a better day of pure joy to wrap up the 2023 tournament season. (And we don’t have to wait long for the first tournament of 2024!)

Happy Holidays NGC!

Tournament Complete Results

Net Skin #8 – NGC Elves & Co. – Net Eagle
Donnee G, Tsehaye M, Mike Helmer & Steve W.

Skin #18 – Reindeer – Hole-In-One!
Vivianne Couts, Monica “Ace Maker” Gonzales, Margery Gehan & Naomi Carter

T-1st –  Scroll Down For Your Team’s Score
Weston Happ, Will Keyes, Dan Ryan & Charlie Green
-17 (55)

T-1st – Ho Ho Ho Holing Birdies
Matt Doherty, Sam Bowmer, Kyle Armstrong & Nathaniel Burgess
-17 (55)

T-1st Net – STOP! You Scrolled Too Far  
Kyle VonEnde, Mark Matava, Brad Simonich & Jared Powell
-20 (52 net)

T-1st Net – Yippee Ki Yay, MFs
Jim Prendergast, Matt Nolan, Eric Fleming & John Allman
-20 (52 net)

Info MGA Tournaments

Ugly Sweater Frost Delay until 10:00 AM

Frost Delay — Now 10:00 AM Shotgun Start

With the frost delay announcement from NGC, we’ll be starting today’s Ugly Sweater Tournament at 10:00 AM. 

See everyone soon!

Info MGA Tournaments

Ugly Sweater Toys For Tots Venmo Collection

Toys For Tots Donation

For the Tournament tomorrow, we will be collecting $80 per team which will be divided 50/50 for a cash donation to Toys For Tots and our skins/awards pot. If you’d like to participate as a team in the T4T collection and skins, please send one payment of $80 along with your team name to @Weston-Happ on Venmo. We will NOT be collecting physical toys tomorrow.

Any payment amounts above $80 will go 100% to our Toys For Tots donation and anyone not playing on a team tomorrow who would like to contribute is welcome to!

Let’s raise a bunch for this extremely worthy cause!

Info MGA Tournaments

Ugly Sweater Tournament Rules & Formats

Ladies & Gentlemen —

We have reached the eve of our 2023 NGC Ugly Sweater Tournament! The feastivities will start with a 9:30 AM shotgun tomorrow, Saturday December 16th and attached you’ll find the complete rules & formats sheet as well as starting holes for each team.

All tournament scoring will be handled via the NGC App. The app can be found here for iPhone and here for Android. All teams will be pre-loaded into the App and we ask that one player from each team uses the App to track their team’s score.

Online Leaderboards:

We look forward to seeing everyone in their best ugly sweaters in the morning!

Info MGA Sign Up Tournaments

Last Call for Ugly Sweater Scramble Sign-Ups

NGC Ugly Sweater Scramble — Saturday, December 16th

Sign-ups close tonight at 8:00 PM for the 2023 Ugly Sweater Tournament which will be played this Saturday, December 16th with a 9:30 AM shotgun start.

For this year’s tournament, we’ll be playing a 4-Player Scramble with specific and fun formats for each hole. Awards and bonuses will be given out to the team with the best ugly sweaters!

If you do not have a complete team of 4, let us know at [email protected] and we’ll get you set up with a team! If you signed up with less than 4, please email us with any additional teammates that need to be added.

Please sign up with your team of 4 at — To confirm your sign-up, double check the online leaderboard here.

Toys For Tots Cash (Venmo) Collection

Because we’re playing a bit later this season, we will not be collecting physical toys for donation. In lieu of toys, we will be collecting Venmo payments for donation on the morning of the tournament and a group contribution will be sent directly to the Toys for Tots Foundation.

NGC Ugly Sweater Scramble: Saturday, December 16th — 9:30 AM shotgun start
Format: 4-player scramble teams, guests are welcome
Cost: $25 for members including cart / $45 for guests including cart
Online Registration Portal
Registration Deadline: Thursday, December 14th @ 8:00 PM

Info MGA Sign Up Tournaments

NGC Ugly Sweater Scramble — Sign-Ups close Thursday

NGC Ugly Sweater Scramble — Saturday, December 16th

Sign-ups close in 3 days for the 2023 Ugly Sweater Tournament which will be played this Saturday, December 16th with a 9:30 AM shotgun start.

For this year’s tournament, we’ll be playing a 4-Player Scramble with specific and fun formats for each hole. Awards and bonuses will be given out to the team with the best ugly sweaters!

If you do not have a complete team of 4, please let us know at [email protected] and we’ll get you set up with a team!

Please sign up with your team of 4 at — To confirm your sign-up, double check the online leaderboard here.

Toys For Tots Cash (Venmo) Collection

Because we’re playing a bit later this season, we will not be collecting physical toys for donation. In lieu of toys, we will be collecting Venmo payments for donation on the morning of the tournament and a group contribution will be sent directly to the Toys for Tots Foundation.

NGC Ugly Sweater Scramble: Saturday, December 16th — 9:30 AM shotgun start
Format: 4-player scramble teams, guests are welcome
Cost: $25 for members including cart / $45 for guests including cart
Online Registration Portal
Registration Deadline: Thursday, December 14th @ 8:00 PM

Info MGA Sign Up Tournaments

Mike Miller Tournament Sign-Ups Now Open — 1/1/2024

12th Annual Mike Miller Golf Tournament at NGC

The Mike Miller tradition is back for this New Year’s Day, January 1st, 2024 and team sign-ups are now open!

A famous line in golf, “A tradition unlike any other,” has been coined for the Masters, but the same can be said for the playing of New Year’s Day golf at National Golf Club. For years, players of all ages and abilities have taken to the course on January 1st to ring in the New Year with a fun 18 holes. There are stories of shoveling the driving range and impromptu get-togethers just to say golf was played on January 1st at NGC.

Mike Miller was an ambassador of the January 1st tradition and would host a party at his home following the event. Mike left us January 24th, 2013 but we continue the tradition in his memory. 

This year we celebrate the 12th annual playing of the Mike Miller Tournament. We hope you can join us — all NGC members and guests are welcome!

Please sign up with your team online here.

12th Annual Mike Miller Tournament: Monday, January 1st, 2024 — 10:00 AM shotgun start with annual champagne tee shot off 1st tee at 9:45 AM
Format: 4-Player Shamble — All players in foursome tee off, select the best tee shot to play 2nd shots from and, from the selected tee shot, all players play their own balls into the hole recording individual gross scores. Awards in Net + Gross divisions for both Individual and Team categories.
Cost: $20 entry fee for members (walking) — $45 for guests (with cart)
Online Registration Portal

Please sign up online as a complete team foursome if possible. If you do not have a team of 4, sign up online with as many as you have and we will set you up with a group!

To confirm your team’s registration, please check the online leaderload.

A Little History of January 1st Golf at NGC

Longtime NGC member, Maureen Brady, put together and shared the following fantastic writeup which details the history of New Year’s Day golf at NGC:

Today, the Mike Miller Tournament is our way of welcoming the New Year.  It’s a very important welcoming too.  However, the New Year’s Day Tournament has not always been the Mike Miller Tournament.  Yes, Mike played in the tournament many times.  However, he played as a “Wet Shoe.”  It used to be the “Wet Shoes New Year’s Day Tournament.” 

Let me explain:

In the Early 70’s the first group of men to tee off on weekends was known as the “Wet Shoes.” It was a good name. The course was usually still wet that early in the morning, so the name was very appropriate. The group played every weekend, and sponsored a couple tournaments. Their most famous tournament was the New Year’s Day Tournament.

They played it every year. Rain, snow, sleet, sun, had no effect. It was 18 holes, and you played.

There were rules. For example, you had to drink on every hole, or you could not win. Drinks were already on every hole by the time the group teed off.

Originally, ladies were not allowed to play. We ladies provided food in several fairways. For example, I had ham biscuits on the first hole. Carolyn Lecrone had goodies beside the 8th green. Betsy Smith also took care of her hole which was number 10. Eventually, we did get to play, however, not with the men. We started on the back.

Since the kitchen was closed, Frank Bryan, a wet shoe, took care of lunch. He worked for a food service company, and as soon as he finished playing, he went in a warmed up soup, and put out sandwiches.

Mike Miller was a part of this. Not in the early 70’s, but as soon as he became a Tantallon member he joined the wet shoes. And, as time progressed, and we were not allowed to use the club’s kitchen, Mike invited us to lunch at his house.

Some memories still make us smile. Dick Ruane (lived on the 8th green) hit his tee shot on 18 and then walked straight out to the green. Thank God the pond was frozen. When he teed off, Tom Nunno still had on his Tux from the New Year’s Eve party. There was no time to change before teeing off.

I don’t know how many decades the Wet Shoes lasted. Members moved, passed away, or were unable to play golf in their twilight years. However, I am happy that the Mike Miller Memorial Tournament keeps the Wet Shoes’ Tradition going forward.

Happy New Year. Enjoy. Mike is proud of us.

Thank you so much, Maureen — this is the NGC history that we all love to learn about as we celebrate by playing golf on January 1st!