Info Men's Night Men's Night Results MGA

Men’s Night 9/5 Results

Men’s Night 9/5 — 1-Man Scramble with White/Red Dilemma Back 9

18 players came out yesterday and paired up with themselves — except for tee shots from the Red tees where they were flying solo! As always, we saw some very good scores with lots of birdies and eagles. In the end, one man just edged the field with a 28 on the Back 9 to take this week’s win. A W for W and 30 Chase Points ✅

Complete Results

1st – Weston Happ (28 net) – 30 Chase Points
2nd – Kyle Armstrong (29 net) – 26 Chase Points
T-3rd – Leo Goff (30 net) – 22 Chase Points
T-3rd – Bill Murray (30 net) – 22 Chase Points
T-3rd – Matt Dove (30 net) – 22 Chase Points
T-3rd – Jim Sussmann (30 net) – 22 Chase Points

2024 Points Chase

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