Info Men's Night MGA Tournaments

Men’s Night 8/29 + Match Play Deadline 9/2

Men’s Night 8/29 — Stableford Front 9

For Men’s Night this week, we’ll be playing our Stableford format on the Front 9. Points will be awarded based on the standard Stableford scoring breakdown using 100% of individual Front 9 handicaps.

  • Net Double Bogey or higher: 0 points
  • Net Bogey: 1 point
  • Net Par: 2 points
  • Net Birdie: 3 points
  • Net Eagle: 4 points, and so on.

All players play from white tees and Rule of 75 players (age + handicap >= 75) may play golds. Please record gross scores for all holes on scorecards with names clearly marked and turn in completed cards to the Pro Shop. Points Chase points will be awarded to the top one-third of the field.

Match Play Next Round Deadline 9/2

The deadline for Sweet Sixteen matches in the Main and Wildcard brackets is Monday, September 2nd. We will not be able to move this deadline any further so please be sure to get your Sweet Sixteen match scheduled. Contact [email protected] or call the Pro Shop (301) 292-1100 if you need your opponent’s contact information.

Main Bracket
Wildcard Bracket
Complete Information & Guidelines

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