Men's Night Men's Night Results MGA

Men’s Night 8/15 Results

Men’s Night 8/15 — Shootout Front 9

21 players came out yesterday for a Shootout showdown on the Front 9 and, as always, an exciting late afternoon of golf ensued. When all the holes had been played and all chip-offs completed, our Shootout master, Kyle Armstrong, once again reigned supreme. Well played Kyle as the last man standing at the NGC O.K. Corral!

1st – Kyle Armstrong – 30 Chase Points
2nd – James Hsiao (eliminated on #9) – 26.66 Chase Points
3rd – Calvin Harkless (eliminated on #8) – 23.33 Chase Points
4th – Jim Prendergast (eliminated on #7) – 20 Chase Points
5th – Ron Turner (eliminated on #6) – 16.66 Chase Points
6th – Matt Doherty (eliminated on #5) – 13.33 Chase Points
7th – Oral Pottinger (eliminated on #4) – 10 Chase Points

2024 Points Chase

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