Info Men's Night MGA

1st Men’s Night: Vs Tiger on the Front 9 — Competition Rules

Men’s Night 4/6 — Match Play vs. Tiger’s Opening 9 at The Masters

For each hole on the Front 9, you’ll compare your net score to Tiger’s on his live Front 9. Each time you tie him, you’ll earn 1 point. Each hole you beat him you’ll earn 2 points. When Tiger’s score (relative to par) is better than your net score on a hole, you get 0 points.

Please record gross scores for all holes on scorecards with names clearly marked and turn in completed cards to the Pro Shop.

Side-Contests for Masters Men’s Night

Before, after, or during your Men’s Night round, the following side-contests will be set up and all Men’s Night participants are encouraged to partake! Signage and markers for the side-contests will be in place by noon on Thursday (but Men’s Night rounds may be played earlier).

  • Drive: On #1 — longest drive in the fairway wins.
  • Ball-Skip: Across #7 pond — 2 chances per Men’s Night participant, closest to the pin wins. Bring a couple shag balls.
  • Chip: To the mini-island in #9 pond — 2 chances to hit our tiniest target (and keep the ball dry). Again, bring a couple shag balls.
  • Putt: Long putt on the putting green — best of 2 chances. Who can make a 40 footer (or 2) to win a Masters coin?

Champions Dinner 

We are on rain or shine tomorrow for the Champions Dinner with the hors d’oeuvres buffet starting at around 5:30 PM. We hope to see you there for food, camaraderie, and celebration!

Competition Rules for Men’s Night 4/6

  • For this week, all Men’s Night competitors play the Front 9 using 100% of their Front 9 course handicaps.
  • Men’s Night rounds may be played at any time on Thursday with an accompanying MGA member. Please check in with the Pro Shop before you tee off. All players play from white tees and Rule of 75 players (Age + Handicap >= 75) may play golds.
  • With the possibility of rain in the forecast, an overall assessment of course playability / availability throughout the day will be used to determine if there has been enough time for Men’s Night play to count submitted scores for an official result.
  • We will be playing the ball down EVERYWHERE. As the exception, all bunkers will be played as Ground Under Repair. If your ball ends up in a bunker, you may either rake and place within the bunker or take free relief outside the bunker. To take relief, you must find the nearest point of complete relief outside the bunker and DROP from within one club-length of that point, no closer to the hole.
  • Balls marked on the green may be replaced to the side of any aeration holes, no closer to the hole.
  • Netting in re-sodded areas, drain trenches, and exposed rocks added as topper for drainage systems should be considered Ground Under Repair from which free relief may be taken, no closer to the hole. Additionally, tire tracks, bare areas immediately adjacent to cart paths, and bare areas larger than a club length should be considered Ground Under RepairDROP within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole.
  • This week’s format allows for the completion of a 9-hole round that is valid for handicap posting purposes. Men’s Night scores must be posted promptly to your handicap account. Any player who places but has not posted will have their score disqualified from payout and placement consideration.

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